Tea Gifts Steep and Infuse


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Steep & Infuse


With all the amazing kinds of tea and the numerous benefits to drinking it, we at Nutcracker Sweet can understand why tea is so popular. Legend has it that tea was first invented when Chinese Emperor Shen Nung in 2737 B.C.E., when a tea leaf accidentally fell into the bowl of hot water he was drinking. Since then, tea has taken the world by storm and become the most consumed beverage in the world next to water!


Rest & Relax

Tea is usually prepared within minutes, as all that is required are leaves or a bag of tea and some boiling water. This aromatic beverage has many people claiming themselves as tea connoisseurs, while others find their daily routine dependant on that morning cup of tea, or before bed to help unwind.

Rich with History

Tea has been a staple of pantries all around the world for centuries. Tea used to be seen as a medicinal tonic that could cure many ailments! Tea has become synonymous with some cultures, and brought other cultures together; a tea culture has been created in recent years. People have in fact started cooks with tea, pairing tea with the right edibles, and of course on its own! To be honest, my favourite is a steep tea infused with berries, a pinch of sugar and a biscuit on the side! These are just three of numerous ways in which people worldwide enjoy such a simple yet comforting drink.

Drink a Tea the Nutcracker Way

Nutcracker Sweet offers a wide variety of exquisite, rich and infused teas in which many flavours simply cannot compete with. For example, the Tea Forte collection carried by Nutcracker specializes in all types of tea such as, green, and herbal, along with many others! These phenomenal flavours are achieved as this is a collection carrying only quality teas made with the finest tea leaves. Tea gift baskets include teas, porcelain mugs and tea tray infusers. Tea gift baskets also come with top of the line chocolates such as Godiva. Something this good cannot be passed up!

A Sip of Health

Tea has various health benefits and has been hailed as an excellent way to get your antioxidants. In fact, one serving of tea contains as many antioxidants as 7 glasses of orange juice! Tea can also be very low in caffeine, caffeine free, or used as a substitute for coffee if you have a caffeinated tea; many green teas are in fact stronger than the average cup of coffee. Tea is a beverage that has no calories, preservatives, or additives; therefore, drinking tea is a delicious and healthy activity! Tea has now taken the form loose leafs and bagged to accommodate peoples preferences and match up to their needs. Many teas are in fact known to speed up ones metabolism, and help break down food while digestion.

Tea Party

Social get-togethers are always enhanced by a pot of tea. The tea social is a tradition pretty much anywhere and it’s a time you’ll look forward to! Catch up with your friends, warm up in the cold weather and even gossip a little! A nice cup of tea and a snack brings friends together and is a perfect bonding experience. Throw a tea party today!

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